Frequently Asked Questions
Why does NCADA support a drug-free vision for Singapore?
NCADA recognises the potential harms of drug abuse at both the individual and societal levels. Hence, we fully support the Government’s commitment to a drug-free Singapore, the corresponding laws, as well as the supply and demand reduction measures that support such a position.
As an advisory council to the Government, we review prevailing perceptions and attitudes towards drug issues, primarily through the NCADA National Drug Perception Survey. The survey provides insights on the public’s attitudes towards drugs, its support for Singapore’s drug-free stance, and other evolving issues.
The 2023 survey found that more than 9 in 10 Singapore residents, both adults and youths, agree that maintaining a drug-free environment is in the best interest of Singapore. Nevertheless, there was also a trend of growing permissiveness towards drugs among youths, which is of concern to NCADA.
As a small city-state, Singapore’s history has shown that it is not unimaginable for drug abuse to become a national issue quickly, due to the nature of substance addiction. A whole-of-society approach is critical to preventing drug abuse, and NCADA seeks to work closely with community partners to educate the public on the harms of drugs.
How does NCADA support the community in strengthening drug prevention?
NCADA looks at how we can support upstream and preventive education efforts so that our youths do not have any inclination towards abusing drugs.
We feel that it is important that we are advocates and engage different segments of the community to deepen conversations around the harsh realities of drugs in Singapore. This helps give courage to youths who may be vulnerable to the influence of drugs.
Parents, educators, and peers play a vital role in identifying these signs and offering support early. They can make use of resources by CNB and NCADA, including CNB’s Preventive Drug Education Toolkit, to help them frame conversations about the harsh realities of drug abuse in Singapore.
What is NCADA's position on vaping?
Vaping – of nicotine and nicotine-replacement products – is not an area of focus within the mandate of the National Council Against Drug Abuse (NCADA) primarily because nicotine, while harmful to health, is not a controlled drug. NCADA fundamentally advocates for a society that is not dependent on any harmful or addictive substance. We are aware of cases where vaporisers have been used for the consumption of controlled drugs such as cannabis and other illicit psychoactive substances. In addition, emerging scientific evidence have reported on the increased risk of future drug abuse in adolescents who vape.
We are glad that the Ministry of Health, Health Promotion Board, Health Sciences Authority, and the Ministry of Education have adopted a multipronged approach to tackle youth vaping in Singapore. With growing prevalence of vaping among youths, NCADA supports the intent of Singapore’s ban on vapes, which is to protect the public from the harms of emerging tobacco products. This also aligns with NCADA’s harm prevention approach to substance abuse.